It is tremendously important that you have a valid Will. Having a valid Will gives you the power to distribute your assets to whom and in what manner you wish.
A Will is a legal document that comes into effect after your death and details how your assets should be distributed. A properly drafted, up-to-date, and valid Will is the only way you can be sure your assets will be dealt with as directed, and your loved ones cared for in the way you choose.
If you die without a valid Will, intestacy provisions may apply. If this occurs, your Estate may pass to people who you do not wish to benefit and people you do wish to benefit may miss out.
Preparing a valid Will with one of our lawyers is the best way to ensure you are aware of all your testamentary options including:
- Who do you want to administer your estate
- What items and assets you can leave in your Will and to who
- How the payment of debts or liabilities will occur
- Funeral directions
- Guardianship of children under 18 years
- Whether you wish to be cremated or buried
If you already have a Will, and your circumstances have changed, it may be time to review and update this document to reflect your current testamentary wishes.

Whilst an individual can apply for a Grant of Probate with the Supreme Court of NSW independently; due to the complex nature of this process, many wish to engage a Solicitor to guide them on the process and provide them with peace of mind that everything is being done correctly.
Hunter Legal & Conveyancing possesses the expertise to guide you through the probate process. We focus on long-term, positive outcomes for our clients by providing you with an individual service of compassion and understanding in this already stressful time.
For further details on applying for a Grant of Probate please call our team on 1300 224 828 to discuss.